What To Do If You Keep Falling Over With Clipless Pedals

Switching over from flat to clipless pedals is one of those things that make the cycling experience so much better without that much investment.

The only problematic thing is that they can be tricky to learn, and in this instance i mean you might feel that you’re falling over just a ‘tad bit’ too much no matter what you do.

It’s just a matter of practice

Normally, the reason why you still keep falling over with the bike using the clipless pedal system is because you either forget you’re clipped in, or don’t know how to correctly unclip when coming to a stop.

In case the culprit is forgetfulness,  well, you have probably not been cycling with the clipless pedals long enough. Just like learning how to ride a bicycle, getting used to having clips on takes time for your brain to learn, so keep sticking to it!

When it comes to not knowing how to unclip properly when needed, the way to do so correctly is by disengaging your foot out only when the pedal hits the 6 o’clock position, and all that should be done in a twisting motion.

I highly suggest focusing on doing so with only one leg, like your non-dominant, as that’s going to make it easier for the habit to develop.

You can also try loosening the pedal tension a bit, which will make them clip and unclip easier.

Other reasons

You might be an overall newbie

Sure, the right practice is usually the key in resolving any clipless pedals learning curves, but if you’re just a beginner to cycling in general, that can alone be the problem in falling too frequently.

If you’ve been riding a bicycle for only around a couple of months, or got back to it after a long time, it’s generally suggested to do so with flat pedals only as it familiarizes you with the basics of cycling easier, especially in more off-road situations.

Seat height

A seat that’s set even just a bit too high can make it harder to reach the ground once you unclip, which can obviously make you fall.

Why the clipless pedals are amazing

Personally i feel that cycling using the clips is much more efficient – I’m able to climb longer distances, and in general, feel less tired after a long day of riding.

If you do mountain biking, having your feet securely clamped makes you feel more confident during harder trails, and it’s nice to know there no chance of slipping off them, and we all know how that can end.

Additional tips

Riding more off-road trails will make the clips and your shoe cleats dirty, so be sure to keep them clean as that’s going to make them work better.

Another thing to keep in mind is that over time, the cleats on the shoes start to deteriorate, so replace them every once in a while.

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